Also known as:
Smack, Brown, H, Skag, Skag, Gear, Brown
Heroin is a form of morphine the painkilling drug.
It comes in the form of a powder, mostly brown, occasionally white.
Heroin can be injected or ‘chased’ – heating it on foil and inhaling the smoke.
Effects and Risks:
Using other depressants, such as alcohol, with heroin can cause respiratory failure – the heart and lungs stop working – and death.
Users can overdose by using too much heroin, or heroin that is stronger than they are used to.
Users who inject heroin risk infection from HIV, Hepatitis and other blood borne diseases, abscesses and vein damage.
Users who are physically dependant on heroin experience painful withdrawal symptoms for a while after they stop using.
Heroin is PHYSICALLY addictive.
Users can feel drowsy, warm, content and euphoric.
Heroin can ease discomfort and relieve stress.
Physical dependence develops when heroin is used regularly and frequently for some time.
Over time users develop tolerance to the drug meaning that they need to use larger amounts to achieve the same effects, or just to feel normal.
Class A Drug
Which means it’s illegal to possess, give away or sell.